Our Nursery Intentions:
· 1. It is our intention that each child settles well in into the nursery community developing relationships with both adults and peers, grows in confidence and leaves nursery with knowledge and understanding about themselves as a unique individual and others, ready to make a successful transition into school.
· 2. It is our intention to develop each child’s understanding of how to be healthy, take care of their body, develop muscles to be able to move freely with coordination and how to stay safe.
· 3. It is our intention to support each child become a confident and skilled communicator.
· 4. It is our intention to develop each child’s knowledge and understanding of the rural area in which many live and Paddocks nursery is based.
· 5. It is our intention to develop each child’s knowledge, understanding and experience of seasonal celebrations both locally, nationally and globally.
· 6.It is our intention that children become confident and competent mathematicians seeing the wonder of maths in everyday life.